A collection of video interviews, webinars, and introductions to my published work.
Grad School in 3-2-1
Scholars of Religion as Educational Policy Actors
A talk from the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, held at Nanzan University, 10 June 2023
SCOTUS, Religious Freedom, and Discrimination
Christian Sorcerers on Trial
I had the pleasure of moderating a book launch discussion at UBC.
As part of the nationwide #ScholarStrike organized by Anthea Butler and Kevin Gannon, I generated the lecture at left to talk about why overseas depictions of U.S. protests give us a lot to think about here at home.
Or Does It Explode?
“This Isn’t For You,” Penn School of Arts & Sciences 60-Second Lecture in the Summer 2020 Series, “What Happens to a Dream Deferred?”
Faking Liberties
A collection of short videos about Faking Liberties: Religious Freedom in American-Occupied Japan
Anime, Manga, and Religiosity in Japan
An Interview with Pause & Select
Interview at the University of Alabama
I visited the University of Alabama in Fall 2015 and delivered the 3rd annual Day Lecture there.